Flexibility is Key to Success to Withstand Market Instabilities
There comes a time when things don’t go according to plan, particularly when there are market instabilities — like a pandemic, times of political unrest, housing crashes, you name it. During COVID-19, many 55+ and senior living communities were forced to shut down, go into a lock down mode and therefore rethink their marketing and sales approach. As a result, there needed to be a plan to continue to move forward. Creating Results helped them shift marketing dollars, maintain brand reputation and therefore continue marketing and sales efforts in some capacity.

We worked quickly with each of our clients to determine a strategy that suited their needs and what made sense for their community based on their unique situation during market instabilities. We revisited marketing goals set at the end of 2019 to focus on the new normal with our clients and through milestone-based marketing, Creating Results determined which stage each community was in and implemented specific tactics and approaches based on where each sat.

Milestone-based marketing was implemented in a variety of ways across the Creating Results portfolio. Through the marketing plans and tactics that remained, many communities promoted what they were doing operationally to support residents, homeowners and families. Additionally, offering new ways to connect, shifting away from in-person tours and events to holding these events virtually. This meant adapting to new technologies and solutions to provide a seamless experience for our client’s prospects.
Results from CR Clients Compared to 2019
increase in email engagement & website traffic
Increase in paid social traffic
Through quick reaction, and flexibility and collaboration with our clients, we were able to impact and sustain marketing and sales by continuing to generate leads, retain depositors or nurture an existing database. The results were dependent on what stage of the milestone-based planning they were in and/or helping a community thrive. Even during a time when the industry as a whole had taken a hit, many of our clients were still able to meet and exceed their inquiry and lead goals.